This Week in Golf – 4/24/18
After a one week delay due to weather, the league kicked off the 2018 season at its new home, Wayland
Country Club.  The course was still soggy after last week's rain, with casual water on several of the holes.
The low round of the week was shared by Bill Meehan and newcomer Doug Sampson.  Each carded a score
of 44 on the front nine.  The low round on the back nine was Mike McElhiney's 46.
The low net score this week belonged to Judi Gray with a net score of two over par on the back nine.  She
sets the bar for the Low Net B for the year.  Low Net A belonged to Doug Sampson, who had a net score
of three over par.
No birdies were recorded this week.  This could be the result of early season rust or unfamiliarity with the
course.  Several members commented that it was their first time playing the course.  
Jim Stead's tee ball on the eighth hole may have achieved orbit.  It was seen going up off the tee and was
never seen again.
Low Net A Low Net B
Doug Sampson +3 Judi Gray +2
Birds Nest
Closest to the Pin
Steve Schlehuber #8 25'