This Week in Golf – 5/4/2017
There were no rain to worry about this week, as the afternoon was mostly sunny and warm.  As the sun
started getting low in the sky, the temperature dropped and the wind picked up.
The low round of the week once again belonged to Chuck Bourgery with a score of 39 on the front nine.
His round included two birdies on the eighth and ninth holes.
Playing against Chuck, Rick Kilduff posted the low net for the week.  His score of 43 gave him a net score
of even par 35.  Rick also had birdies on the sixth and ninth holes.
With Joe Shea out of town, Dave Gustafson teamed up with Steve Palmer to take 34 points from Glenn
Davis and Eric Bergstrom.  Steve took 17 out of the 18 possible points in the process.
Dan Lee and Maria Spitzak battled Rick and Kathy George to a 20-20 tie.  Dan and Maria won the holes by
a 20-16 margin, but Rick and Kathy won the four points for the net scores.
John Buscaglia and Mike Mancini faced Mike Morrill and Rick Reed in a tight match.  Both "B" players
outplayed their partners.  The two teams split the holes 18-18, but John and Mike took the nets for a
22-18 win.
Low Net A Low Net B
Chuck Bourgery -2 Carl Taylor -6
Birds Nest
Rick Kilduff #6, #9 Chuck Bourgery #8, #9
Closest to the Pin
Chuck Bourgery #2 14'